Appending data using Union All Transformation
Sorted input not requires
Number of inputs unlimited
Sorted output does not generate
I have 2 tables I want to append. Each table is in a different database on the same server instance.
OLE DB Source
Both inputs file using ole db source connection managers.
Union All Transformation
I have 2 inputs and 1 output
Flat file destination
- create you .csv file on the file system
-connect to it.
- check or uncheck overwrite the data (depends on what you want)
-Column names in the first data row
-Code page 1252
run the package
see the result
I want the append the same tables as before, this time using the Merge transformation. The final solution is like Union All transformation. I am going to have 2 inputs and generate 1 output.
The main differences
Union All Merge
Sorted input: not requires requires
Number of inputs: unlimited only two
Sorted output: not generates generates
Right click on the OLE DB Source > Show Advanced Editor
Merge transformation requires sorted inputs.
set property IsSorted: True
Go to Output Columns > customer_id > SortKeyPosition = 1
Repeat the same process for Mexico data source.
Merge transformation
Map the columns. This will be done automatically if both sources using the same attribute names.
OLE DB Destination
You can choose destination you want. You can send data into DB or a flat file.
For Each Loop Container
I will be using For each ADO Enumerator to loop over database and table name in SSISObject table.
Create 4 variables
SSISobj holds table SSISObject
DBName holds values from DBName column in SSISObject table
TableName holds values from TblName column in SSISObject table
Increment variable will be used on the end for Execute SQL Task. Will come back to this variable later.
Using For each container we will be iterate between 2 databases.
create connection manager to one of them
go to expressions
Use InitialCatalog property (stands for database name)
use variable @DBName (DBName value will change on the run time)
Execute SQL Task
ResultSet: Full Result set
SQLStatement: Select * from SSISObject
Even though the tables come from 2 different databases to connect to a specific table I'll be using the same connection manager and its value will change during the run time process.
This will return a table. We need to go to Result Set a map that result to an object variable I create in the beginning.
Foreach loop container
choose Foreach ADO Enumerator
supply a source variable: SSISobj
Variable Mapping
We need to map the column names from SSISobj variable which holds table SSISObject
Data Flows
for Flat file destination loading
I've added three data flows inside the Foreach loop container.
Data flow 1 is just a supporting data flow and doesn't contain any transformations, other words is completely empty
Data flow 2: Destination table will be a flat file. First row as headers will be applied.
Data flow 3: Destination table will be a flat file. Do not check use first row as headers. I use a separate flat file connection manager to achieve this. DF 2 and DF3 will have its own flat file connection managers.
Data Flow: Headers
Using variable name for a source table. Table name will change on the run time.
Flat file Destination
do not overwrite this file and allow headers
The first flat file connection manager is created. This one will allow headers.
Now I am going to use Data Flow: No Headers to create a Flat file connection manager for destination that won't use first row as headers.
The second table is in DBTwo database, but this connection will work fine because I am using and expression for InitialCatalog property, so it will change on the run time. And I am using the same variable for table name.
The second flat file connection manager is pointing the same file Results.csv. I won't be loading the headers.
Add Execute SQL Task, double click on the Precedence Constraint coming out from Data Flow Headers and use Logical OR
I am going to use Increment variable inside the Execute SQL Task
Use SQLStatementSource property to create an expression:
" Select "+ (DT_WSTR, 10) @[User::Increment] +" +1 "
this expression will incrementally increase its value each time the foreach loop container iterates.
Its initial value is set to 0, after the first iteration value will increase about 1.
Map the Result set to the Increment variable
General tab
ResultSet: Single row
This is the funniest part. When we run the package the first iteration will go on the left side. Increment variable value will be equal to zero and the Flat file will be loaded from DBOne database, with Mexico table data. Then the value will change from zero to one (Select 0+1) and the data Flow on the right side will execute. Data from database DBTwo and table called Canada will be loaded into the flat file. This time with no headers.
Running the package
Conclusion: It is little bit easier with Union All transformation.